Monday, February 9, 2009

My podcasts for Digital Media Across Asia (SMUCOMM215)

I believe everyone is musical. I always try to encourage people to pick up whatever instrument they fancy and to play for the sake of being in love with music. Music is meant to move your soul.

For my second podcast post i'd like to post up some music i made over the weekend specifically because i wanted to do a podcast as my assignment for Digital Media Across Asia. The first track is a track i made on my own on the 6th of Feb using a music software tool called Logic Pro, which motivated me to buy my Mac. I specifically tried to use Asian instruments for DMA which includes a tibetan singing bowl, an indian percussion instrument called tabla and another instrument called indian shenhai oboe (you'll here a bass guitar in there as well).

Acha is a track i made on the 8th of Feb with my 2 wonderful music buddies in Singapore Isa (playing bass) and Josh (sound engineer who mixed the track). It's far from complete.

Well if you like the music, thats awesome and if you don't well i'm sorry about that but to make it up to you, i'll post a youtube link which i guarantee you'll find pleasing to the ears. I guarantee that Don Ross and Andy Mckee's Ebon Coast won't be a waste of your time. Eitherways my only goal is simply to inspire people to share their music be it their own or incredible pieces that the world should know about.


Acha -

Ebon coast -

I posted the following article in the wetpaint discussion forum so if you've read it you can skip it but if you haven't and your interested in the on

Podcasting - Want to upload audio files/music to your blog?

Now i have to confess i haven't figured this out adequately but i think i got the gist of it. A podcast is an audio file that can be broadcasted online and is usually known to be in the form of radio shows which are available on itunes. Basically for the make up assignment i was interested in submitting a podcast but not in the form of making comments to a radio show or doing my own. Im not ready for that. I wrote some music on the weekend which i intend to share as my podcast to the class. I spent some time trying to figure out how to upload audio files to my blog and in a sense make a podcast. Eventually i would like to link these audio files to broadcast on itunes but i need more time to figure it out.

Basic Steps to make your own podcast

1) Need a mic or a recording device (digital voice recorder) to record the content you would like to upload to your computer. Your pc should have an inbuilt mic and a recording program.

2) Need to find an online server that can host your audio files. Strangely enough blogspot allows you to upload videos which are up to 100mb in size but not mp3s which are much lesser. My recommendation for a free hosting server is You can upload audio files on this site and send it to people or post the link to your blog.

3) Once you have these 2 tools all you have to do is upload your content to sendspace, then a link will be provided to you. You can then take this link and post it on your blog for everyone to access.

Here are 2 sites that explain how podcasting works more comprehensively. The first one gives general information of how to upload podcasts to your blog and link to itunes, while the second one gives information on how to use garageband to make your own podcast.

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